Cheap Flights for your Trips

* online tickets are searched using the Travelpayouts form. The site does not sell airline tickets. You can buy tickets on the official website of the company - Reviews air ticket buyers
Ratings: 14
Reviews: 26
Rating: 2.6 of 5

Аирбукинг.ру - Reviews about buying tickets 2019

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All Reviews

Игорь   31.12.2018
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Every year in November I fly to Goa as a savage. I was looking for the cheapest tickets, I found airbooking through Mondo, bought, paid, flew, everything was smooth. Time was running out to read what kind of office. If someone is not familiar with him, I advise you to use it.
Irina   15.12.2018
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In July I have a birthday, I always dreamed of spending it at sea. I did not buy a ticket in advance, everything that I watched was very expensive (since there was always a high season at this time), and I could not afford such prices. And on my birthday I decided to look at the prices for luck, I came across burning tickets to Bulgaria at, the price was fabulous! 7652 rubles for a round-trip ticket! Departure on Friday morning, arrival on Monday. She invited 2 friends with me to the sea, for this price they also agreed. I booked it on the site, paid with a card, I had no time to come to the office. of cons: Flight delayed for 2 hours. They didn’t feed on the plane, it turns out that it was necessary to order in advance for money, through the airline’s website. But these circumstances didn’t bother me much, I had a good breakfast, the flight was early.
If you weigh the pros and cons, for such a price I was fine with everything. Thank you airbooking for cheap tickets and a birthday at sea!
Tatyana    07.12.2018
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In connection with the vacation in June, it became necessary to purchase the maximum cheap flights to Bulgaria and vice versa. I found out that S7 flies there with regular flights. Regular flights turned out to be very expensive for me, I decided to see if charters fly there. I came across an airbooking company that sells charters for Bulgarian Airlines, the price made me 16803 rubles for a round-trip ticket, it was the cheapest price on the Internet. I bought tickets in February. I booked it on the site, arrived, paid at the office, for me it was simple and convenient. Then I managed to read Reviews about this company, the joy of buying cheap tickets vanished. They send tickets a day before departure, I already said goodbye to money and leave according to plan. From February to June, I was in the corners. But for the day tickets came as promised, but I was waiting for the catch at the airport. But everything turned out well! To and fro, I flew away and flew in without problems! Thanks to the company, I will buy tickets again.
Karina   31.10.2018
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Scammers !!!! I bought tickets through the search engine Momondo, a family in Goa. Three days before the departure, a letter arrived saying that you need to pay 10.000 rubles. for a ticket or you don’t fly anywhere. All conversations and correspondence did not lead to anything, only she spent her nerves. They are not suitable for the phone.
I bought tickets at another agency, having already read Reviews.
We will go to court. Awful office.
CIRCUIT THE PARTY if you do not want yourself problems.
a guest   10.10.2018
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Scammers !!! Rogues !! Do you write “decent” Reviews for yourself? People don't buy it !! No money, no rest!
a guest   10.10.2018
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Ужасная компания! Просили выдать документы и All справки по вылету и прилету' который состоялся на следующий день с очень приличной доплатой, бесполезно!!! Scammers и прохвосты
Эдуард   10.10.2018
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Отстой,а не компания! Никогда не пользуйтесь!!! За свои деньги с доплатой получите испорченный отпуск, потерянные нервы и потерянные деньги, конечно! Воры и жулики! С авиакомпанией заодно!!!
a guest   10.10.2018
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Жулики и прохвосты! Не ofвинений, ни компенсаций! Никогда ни за что не пользуйтесь «услугами» этих кидал. Даже если вы улетите «туда», возвращаться придётся доплатить очень приличную сумму и получите массу впечатлений от отдыха с запасом не на один год! Дай бог здоровья сотрудникам и их детям
Ольга   10.10.2018
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Никогда не пользуйтесь!!! Безответственные люди, безответственная компания!!! Только собирают деньги и пустота взамен! Нечистоплотность и безнравствееность сотрудников «компании» приводит в ужас! Работают ради наживы!
a guest   31.07.2018
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Хотелось бы сказать спасибо компании за отличный сервис. Покупали билеты в Болгарию на семью, All прошло Wonderful. Забронировали и оплатили заказ без проблем. Получили билеты накануне вылета на почту. Менеджеру Галине отдельное спасибо, очень вежливо и доходчиво отвечала на наши вопросы. Будем рекомендовать.